
Showing posts from March, 2014

All Black...

Hello Loviesssss, How was your weekend? Hope you rested well and hope all the Mothers and Mothers to be had fun yesterday. Well, we'll celebrate with our American Mothers again soon :-) So an all black outfit is something i hardly wear, perhaps  because somewhere in my head while growing up, i remember my granny, mum, aunts saying it was bad to wear all black. Anyhoo, fast forward to today, and i am wearing a simple black dress with peplum details i got from Asos a while ago.  I would normally pair the dress with cobalt or cranberry shoes or a nice tan, red or orange bag but i wanted to do an all black ensemble.  I however, added a little color by tying a vintage scarf on my bag just so i don't upset granny and mummy too much in Heaven...LOL. I love this dress for a number of reasons: 1. The cut is just perfect 2. The peplum helps to hide any trouble area after 3. When in doubt/unsure of what to wear or not in the mood to dress up, this number does the magic ...

Blog Worthy?

Hello Loviessss, How have you all been? So i was going through my camera and deleting unwanted pictures and i saw some shots i had taken and had planned to blog about. But you all know how on some days, pictures taken don't look  as nice as you want them to or let me just say the camera was taking pictures that were just bleh there (Fellow bloggers know what i mean) Anyways i saw these ones and asked myself if they were blog worthy since i wasn't feeling really pretty in any of them :-)  I hope they are. You be the judge :-D Thanks for always reading and commenting my lovies. P.s. You can now follow me on Instagram @stylefash25. Plssssssss don't laugh at me, yes i know i joined late...hehehe. But if i have to be honest, my friends know me i am not very tech savvy. I haven't even gotten a grip on twitter but i think i am enjoying instagram a lot. xoxo.   Top: H&M Old Skirt with faux leather band detail: Zara Old Neckpiece: Accesorize Old  Top: Gift from...

MTN Young Designer of the Year Award

Hello My Loviessss, How have you all been? So this post is long overdue. After the Nigeria Blog Awards last year, i got an email early this year asking me to do a post on this amazing young man who won the MTN Young Designer of the Year Award. I was so sure i acknowledged receipt of the email, only for me not to find it in my inbox. Anyways here i am weeks and weeks later trying to clear out/delete some emails and alas... Enjoy. How 26year old Emeka Rodney won the MTN Young Designer of the Year 2013 Award. Twenty-six year old Rodney Emeka, the Creative Director of McMeka, won the MTN Young Designer of the Year competition at the Lagos Fashion and Design Week 2013. He runs McMeka, a Lagos based menswear design label which solely focuses on bespoke tailoring which he founded in September 2011. The young PH bred designer came up against formidable names like Waneami, Diana aLa Vid (DLV), Ayo Van Elmar, Reni Smith, Ladunni Lambo, Sho by Adesola Obebe, Tumilla by Tumi Ladega, Kenneth Ize an...

Better Days

Hello Loviesssss, My lovely people how have you all been? If you know how many times i've clicked on the ' create new post' button over the past couple of weeks just so i can do one post, you'll be shocked.  As much as i love blogging, i realize that i am unable to blog whenever i have any crisis and since this is a personal style blog, it isn't very easy pouring out my heart here most times. I've had some office drama lately but the Lord has been shown me favor. I don't know if you've ever been caught in the middle of office politics. It can be so exhausting especially when it can be avoided.  So we employed a new staff, a lady (I don't know why ladies can't work together) and it's been drama all the way. Everyone trying to prove that they are better. Shunting HR/reporting lines and going directly to the MD.  My dear loviessss, i am tempted to say we women are our very own problem but i wouldn't say that because i know we still have a l...